B. Lorraine SmithWhy I Wish I’d Followed My Instincts As a Climate DenierComing clean on what I really think about “corporate climate action”Jul 14, 20221.8K39Jul 14, 20221.8K39
Eugenio De LucchiBill Gates Is Calling Another Pandemic. And Once Again, He’s Damn Right.Welcome to the PandemiceneJul 23, 20222K31Jul 23, 20222K31
Michael LaitmanThe Tragedy of the Commons Is Our RealityA widely known term, at least in academia, is “the tragedy of the commons.” The term “commons” describes a resource that everyone can use…Jan 20, 20221.4K9Jan 20, 20221.4K9
ScottCDunnThe Answer To Dissent Is Not Censorship If We’re Not Even Sure What’s RealLabels, insults, and the limits of our consciousness.Apr 23, 20222026Apr 23, 20222026
InElementalbyDana G SmithBiohackers With Diabetes Are Making Their Own InsulinDiabetes is a punishingly expensive disease. In an Oakland warehouse, scientists are going DIY.May 30, 20198K43May 30, 20198K43
InUnpopular OpinionsbyMarmotianThere Is No Such Thing As “Unconditional Love”True love is conditional and it is perfectly fine.Mar 24, 20222.1K28Mar 24, 20222.1K28
InPredictbyE. Alderson2030 to Mark the Decline of CivilizationAnd its possible collapse, according to MIT studyFeb 8, 20222.6K40Feb 8, 20222.6K40
Erik RittenberryCivilization Is Flinging Itself To Pieces — Stand Back“In the very end, civilizations perish because they listen to their politicians and not to their poets.”Jan 28, 20221.93K24Jan 28, 20221.93K24
Anna MercuryWhat is Degrowth?The new IPCC report mentions the term 27 times. Here’s what you need to know:Mar 10, 202255812Mar 10, 202255812
InAll Gods, No MastersbyAnna MercuryWhy I Trust the FutureThe weird worldview my mother taught me gives me cause to hope in the face of chaos.Mar 1, 202289711Mar 1, 202289711
Jessica WildfireLate Stage Capitalism Continues Destroying LivesPeople remain in denial.Nov 21, 20218.5K110Nov 21, 20218.5K110
InClimate ConsciousbyBrad ZarnettThe Climate Change Narrative Is the Most Dangerous Piece of Fiction Ever CreatedThere’s no solution to climate change without the truthOct 24, 20214.1K73Oct 24, 20214.1K73
Jules EvansJoan Didion and the case against hippiesDidion argued the hippy psychedelic scene was a symptom or cause of the moral death of America. Why was she down on hippies? Was she right?Nov 5, 202182011Nov 5, 202182011
Jules EvansIntroducing ‘Spiritual Eugenics’This is the first post in a new project, which will explore the connections between eugenics and New Age spirituality.Oct 14, 202155016Oct 14, 202155016
InMind CafebyTim DenningMental Models: Use Them to Hardwire Your Brain to Get What You WantNot the cliche ones like first principles thinking, either.Oct 11, 20211.3K16Oct 11, 20211.3K16
InPredictbyGunnar De WinterThe Second Brain in Our Gut is Smarter Than We ThinkThe enteric nervous system — the brain in your gut — has specific networks of neurons and glial cellsOct 8, 20215814Oct 8, 20215814
InThe Infinite UniversebyTim Andersen, Ph.D.Exotic atoms may lead to new physicsNatural atoms only contain three kinds of subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons, but physicists are now creating exotic…Oct 12, 20213024Oct 12, 20213024
InThe Infinite UniversebyTim Andersen, Ph.D.Wet Bulb temperature is the scariest part of climate change you’ve never heard ofWhole cities may soon become uninhabitableJul 2, 20219.2K62Jul 2, 20219.2K62
Jessica StillmanA Study of 140,000 People Says Walking This Much Per Week Adds Years to Your LifeIt’s less than you think.Oct 5, 20212.7K20Oct 5, 20212.7K20